The long-awaited event took place on 5h of February 2020 in Congress-Center of Sumy State University. The presentation of the book edited by Professor Medani P. Bhandari and Associate Professor Shvindina Hanna was held for the academic scholars in public for community that was presented by journalists, active youth and NGOs. During the meeting Professor Medani Bhandari communicated online and shared his vision of the project and how the idea was born, and why that book is dedicated to Daryna Boronos, and what is the plan for the next one. The endless energy of the professor Bhandari brought the discussion to a new level, with vivid ideas exchange, and inspiration for the next book on Inequality. The second editor, Hanna Shvindina, told about the main requests for authors and challenges they may face in a process of chapters writing and reviewing process. Professor Boronos, the head of the department of finance and entrepreneurship, thanked Professor Bhandari for the book as a team member and as inspiring scholar and urged to continue further cooperation.
The Book «Reducing Inequalities Towards Sustainable Development Goals: Multilevel Approach» is publisked by high-ranked publisher River Publishers (Denmark). The authors of the chapters are presented by Sumy State University employees who are waiting now for the indexing of the book. We congratulate editors and authors and wish them success in future!