Oleg Balatskyi Department of Management
BiEM Sumy State University

Internationalisation of Curriculum: Project Management as a Pilot Program (IoC: PMasPP)


Project coordinator


Dr. Tetyana Mayboroda

Deputy Head, International Affairs Department

Associate professor, O.Balatskyi Department of Management



IoC:PMasPP is being developed under the training course Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2024 which has been developed by the International Office (IO) of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) within the DAAD Programme “Support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education institutions – continuing education programmes for administrators at Ukrainian higher education institutions in education and academic management” to meet the needs of German-Ukrainian academic cooperation. Dr. Tetyana Mayboroda has been selected to take part in the 3rd cohort of the program, year 2024 together with other 14 Ukrainian HEIs representtaives

Main goal:

Overall reviewing and re-designing of the Master’s program “Project Management” curriculum according to the IoC approach for 2025-2026 academic year intake.

The reviewing and development of IoC:PMasPP will include further adjustments at different levels:

  • At the program level (program profile): aim, description and characteristics, program competences and program learning outcomes (not in general part demanded by National QA Agency framework, but by identified by educational program/institution), informational and methodological part, changing some of the courses
  • At the courses design/syllabuses level: the courses’learning outcomes, content, topics, structure, resources, assessments, teaching and learning activites (where necessary)
  • Alignment across the curricula with student learning outcomes, their assessment and the teaching and learning activities through inclusion of international and intercultural dimensions in the entire study process

Specific objectives:

  • To learn and share the concept of IoC within the SumDU leadership team, educational team and lecturers’ team to identify the necessity in changes in the program
  • To create an inter-department working group for IoC for PM 
  • To review the program profile: aim, description, characteristics, specific competencies, program learning outcomes (PLO regulated by the educational program) as well as re-consider compulsory\elective subjects accordingly with adjustment of LOs where necessary 
  • To review the syllabuses (conent, learning outcomes, structure, resources. assessments, teaching and learning activites) of compulsory courses within the program and enreaching them with components, topics and methods with added value of global competences for students and allign them within the whole IoC program
  • Upgrade promotional materials for the study program 
  • To upgrade SumDU Internationalisation strategy with adding IoC as a strategic goal
  • To spread the IoC further into SumDU activity, departments and programs, to continue incorporating international perspectives and experiences into our local learning environments and strengthening international and intercultural learning outcomes.
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