The training of candidates of the DSmz-31 group (specialty 281 "Public Management and Administration" under the educational and professional program "Public Service") is ongoing. Yes, on Monday, September 9, 2024. within the framework of the discipline "Research and analysis in the public sphere", the applicants got acquainted not only with the theoretical foundations of conducting scientific research, but also studied the peculiarities of information collection and its analysis in the public sphere. These are the features and practical experience shared by Iryna Viktorivna Lego - the head of the tax department of individuals of the main department of the DPS in the Sumy region. In particular, within the framework of the topic "Processing and registration of research results", a number of issues regarding the formation of databases, their analysis, determination of trends in the field of tax payment, etc. were considered. Many interesting and practically justified questions were considered within the framework of the topic. The lecture was held online during the absence of an air alert at 11:40 a.m.
Thank you to Iryna Viktorivna for an interesting and productive conversation.
The organizer of the event was associate professor of the department Pavlenko O.
On June 13, Svitlana Kolosok, Associate Professor of Oleg Balatskyi Department of Management, attended the UCL Energy Transition Symposium. This international scientific and communication event was dedicated to the future global energy transition prospects, bringing together stakeholders from politics, government, industry, and academia.
The main topics of the symposium were:
- “Systems perspectives on challenges of meeting net zero and research needs.”
- “Energy Transition and Net Zero Societies”
- “The role of data in community decarbonization”
- “Building a Resilient Future: Strategies for Climate Adaptation” etc.
This symposium has become an essential means for discussions and the exchange of experiences on clean energy technologies that contribute to the decarbonization of society. Svitlana Kolosok attended the UCL Energy Transition Symposium to disseminate the results of the projects 101048079 - EU4SmartED - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH and 0123U101920 thanks to the support of